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WE ARE NOW OPEN for ALL YOUR dental needs! Per Governor’s executive order, Dental offices are one of the healthcare and public health operations that have been permitted and encouraged to operate in order to keep our patients healthy and out of hospital and emergency room settings that cannot currently handle the capacity. We remain committed to providing care to the communities we serve to keep our patients and families healthy as we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation.

We ensure you the health and safety of our patients is our number one priority. Our practices have infection control policies and systems in place that meet or exceed the Center for Disease Control’s Standard Precautions for Dental Practices.

Below are details about the comprehensive measures our clinics have implemented while we are open, including the implementation of a telehealth option for individuals who want to complete their treatment remotely.

Protecting our patients in the clinics

  • Check-in. Through our patient communication software, you can now check-in online. We will send you the intake form via text/email prior to your appointment.
  • Screening procedure.
    • Patients will be screened verbally prior to appointment and at time of entry asking a series of questions. Any patient or staff experiencing or showing any signs/symptoms will be asked to proactively stay home for two weeks.
    • We have procured thermometers for our clinical locations and each patient and staff will perform a temperature check using a no-touch infrared thermometer. Patients will also be asked to report temperatures that occur up to 48 hours after appointment.
    • Patients should wear a mask or face covering from time of entry until pre-rinse is completed and will put mask back on after post-procedure rinse.
    • Patients will be asked to hand sanitize upon entry and after appointment
    • Patients will be asked to not use Cell Phones at appointment
  • Limiting the number of visitors.

To minimize the number of people within the office, please remain in your car and we will text/call you when your appointment is ready. Only essential family members or caregivers will be allowed to attend and they will be confined to our waiting area. We have suspended all visits from others, including any outside vendors or non-essential staff and have made arrangements to limit the number of people in the office and properly space equipment to best comply with CDC recommendations on social distancing.

  • Cleaning/Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

We are performing more frequent cleanings throughout the day and between patients. We use CDC and EPA approved cleaning agents. We are using a higher level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) than is recommended by the CDC for dental offices. We commit to the highest-standards in keeping our facilities sanitized and practicing good hygiene.

  • Virtual Visits

We will be providing access to virtual visits soon! We are excited as this will reduce the number of visits you may need to make to the office. We will let you know when that becomes available.

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! During this time of financial hardship for many of our patients, we are reminding you to take advantage of the CareCredit services offered in our office. CareCredit offers interest free payments for up to 18 months (or low-interest payments for up to 60 months), with NO deposit required. Please work with our front office on any questions you have relating to changes in insurance or payment options.

Our teams are ready to expedite care to those that need it. The health and well-being of our patients is our top priority and guide us in our decisions.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns or to schedule an appointment.

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