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Richmond, IL’s Premium General Dentistry Providers

The staff at Richmond Family Dental includes caring professionals offering premium general dentistry services to Richmond, IL families. Whether your oral care needs call for a standard exam and cleaning, or you need a root canal, our friendly team will gladly help you. Our dental practice holds a sincere dedication to all our patients throughout Richmond, IL. We make sure your experience is straightforward and comfortable throughout every step of the process, starting when you first walk into our office. It’s a common sentiment that most people don’t enjoy visiting the dentist for any reason. At Richmond Family Dental, we want to change that by offering dental care for the whole family delivered by our caring staff. We also make sure booking appointments and coordinating them with your schedule is easy. For the best in general dentistry, designed to promote oral health and prevent future issues, contact us to schedule an appointment at our practice.

person with nice set of teeth

Preserving Your Bright Smile With Top-Tier Care

It’s crucial that you ensure proper care for your teeth by maintaining an at-home dental hygiene regimen with regular brushing and flossing. For your more involved oral care needs, the dentists and staff at Richmond Family Dental are ready to help you. Our knowledgeable team of dental professionals uses top-tier technology for every treatment to ensure you get the best care possible in Richmond, IL. By scheduling your biannual exams and teeth cleanings at our office, we can help you keep a healthy and beautiful smile. Our patients also have a collection of preventative dental services available to them, including sealants, oral cancer screenings, and fluoride treatments. Our general dentistry services include:

Biannual Cleaning (ADA-recommended)

During a biannual cleaning, we remove the plaque and tartar that accumulated on your teeth. Our team will also thoroughly floss and polish your teeth for a smooth and clean finish.

Digital X-Rays

With digital X-rays, you get a high-definition image of your oral cavity without having to use uncomfortable bitewings and other components of conventional X-rays. We also use substantially less radiation in the process, which means better safety for patients of any age.

Limited/Comprehensive Exams

Our dental team thoroughly examines your entire mouth, including the teeth and gums, for any signs of infection, decay, or damage. We also check the condition of your fillings, bridges, crowns, or other restorations.

Periodontal Gum Therapy (Support Oral Systemic Health)

Your gum health is linked to your heart health, as well as the condition of other areas of your body. Periodontal disease can also result in losing teeth, bone, and other tissue. Our team provides effective periodontal care to resolve the infection and irritation of gum disease.

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Oral Cancer Screenings

During an examination, we look for signs of oral cancer on your lips, tongue, gums, and other tissue. When we detect oral cancer early, you have the greatest chance of resolving it while it’s small and quick to remove. Otherwise, it could develop into an expensive problem that will cost you your gums, teeth, bone, and other tissue.

Going Out of Our Way for Your Comfort

Our dental team is ready to help you maintain a clean and healthy mouth. Besides regular at-home care like brushing and flossing, you need to stay current on routine dental care at our office. Cleanings twice a year allow us to remove any built-up residue from your teeth to help prevent issues like decay and gum disease, and exams give us a chance to spot damage and disease while it’s in its early stages. With proper care for your teeth, gums, and mouth, you can maintain a healthy smile for a lifetime. When it’s time for treatment by a dental professional, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 815-862-1112 at your earliest convenience!